Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our love is like a story book, but hopefully theres no ending.

It's kind of complicated, but nobody really understands. I try explaining it, but people just look at me like i'm crazy. I wish they could just be inside my head or my heart for like two minutes to see how I view things, how I look into this boys eyes, and realize it's not as simple as they think it is.
I was never one to beleive in love, to be honest. I swore I'd never fall in love. I swore I'd never give it my all, and I'd never let myself get hurt, because no boy in the world would be worth my tears. When I was younger, my family used to always tell me "One that, that will change, there is someone out there that you'll love more then anything." but I always denied that fact.
Then one day, I met this boy, who I've never spoken to in my life, I've seen him around but he was one of those guys who dated all the skinny girls who were easy, he would never date a girl like me, who wasn't fat, but wasn't skinny either, and oh yeah a virgin. Just looking at him, made my heart skip a beat "Stop it, you're not good enough for him." I kept telling myself. I couldn't stop staring, I couldn't stop hoping. I was scared, so I left it alone.
I don't know what happened, but that boy and me got to become really good friends, and eventually a couple. I was in dream land, but I gave it a month before I thought it would all disapear. I wouldn't let myself fall in love with him, I was just "another girl" for him.. I mustn't let myself get to attached.

.. We've been on and off for a year now, we have went threw hell and back, but yet we're still holding strong, a few break ups in between and other relationships, but we always ran back to eachother. Why? I don't know. All I know is, when I look at this boy, I can do nothing but smile, and I'm so glad I have him in my life, and I'd never want to lose him permanently. He's everything to me. So, I went against what I beleived in, I fell in love, I got attached, and I'd do anything for him, and I'd shred every tear I had for him, if I meant I kept him forever. I'm crazy in love with this boy, it's almost unhealthy. But him sitting across the room smiling at me right now, gives me another reason for why I don't care. I may be young, but you know what? So is he. Young and in love.

Imperfection, is perfection.

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