Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wait for that trainwreck, with someone who will listen.

Not everyone can admit when they are upset, hurt, depressed, or just .. not happy. Sometimes, they are even afraid to tell the person they love the most. That could be, your parent/guardians, your bestfriend, your brother/sister, your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. Your afraid of their reaction; will they reach out and help you, or will they be afraid of how your feeling and run away from you? Either one can be scary though, sometimes you want them to run away because you've been dealing with it by yourself for so long, and you don't know how to deal with someone knowing and helping you out. But from experience, you can only tell people you truly trust not to go around telling the world how you're feeling about yourself or judge you. You also want to make it clear that you don't want any special treatment, your still the same person, you just feel down sometimes. Being treated differently or as if your fragile to the world or to any type of negativity will just make you lose more of your strength. If your on the road to a trainwreck, don't go to someone you think that will push you closer to the sound of the train, you want someone who will listen for the train, and get you away as it gets louder.

Imperfection, is perfection.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friends are all you need. - True or False?

I have an issue, that pretty much runs in my family. I hate being alone. I need someone to hug, to kiss, to text to say good night to, someone to say good morning to, someone to tell me I'm beautiful, someone that can show me how much I mean to them. But I keep hearing "Friends are all you need in life" Yeah, that may be true, and yeah my friends are always there for me, no matter what- ups or downs. They may not like certain decisions I make, but they are still there. So at times, I believe that, - Friends ARE all you need, but, for how long? How long until you miss having that ONE person, that everything feels different with? A relationship isn't something you NEED to get threw life, No. Friends are something to you NEED, well is helpful to help you get threw the ups and downs of life. Your relationships may come and go, but your friends will always be there, but those relationships that come and go, give your friends a reason to stay, and gives you guys stuff to talk about. To me, Friends arn't all you need. Their a bonus, and their something you need at ALL times, but their not ALL you need. 

Imperfection, is perfection.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Humility in a person, not enough of it or to much?

Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissive, and never being arrogant, contemptuous, rude or even self-abasing. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness.  (

To be quite honest, I had no idea what this word meant until a project I just had to do for a class i'm in. Unfortunatly, I thought it had the same definition as "Humiliation." Well, wasn't I wrong.
So, in other words I got to thinking; Humility can be a good trait AND a bad trait at the same time. I mean yeah your nice, but at the same time you're full of yourself? I'm not sure if i'm understanding this world well. But either way, I can't come to the decision if I feel someone should have MORE Humility in them as a trait, or a very small amount? Just a pondering thought. :)

Imperfection, is perfection.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our love is like a story book, but hopefully theres no ending.

It's kind of complicated, but nobody really understands. I try explaining it, but people just look at me like i'm crazy. I wish they could just be inside my head or my heart for like two minutes to see how I view things, how I look into this boys eyes, and realize it's not as simple as they think it is.
I was never one to beleive in love, to be honest. I swore I'd never fall in love. I swore I'd never give it my all, and I'd never let myself get hurt, because no boy in the world would be worth my tears. When I was younger, my family used to always tell me "One that, that will change, there is someone out there that you'll love more then anything." but I always denied that fact.
Then one day, I met this boy, who I've never spoken to in my life, I've seen him around but he was one of those guys who dated all the skinny girls who were easy, he would never date a girl like me, who wasn't fat, but wasn't skinny either, and oh yeah a virgin. Just looking at him, made my heart skip a beat "Stop it, you're not good enough for him." I kept telling myself. I couldn't stop staring, I couldn't stop hoping. I was scared, so I left it alone.
I don't know what happened, but that boy and me got to become really good friends, and eventually a couple. I was in dream land, but I gave it a month before I thought it would all disapear. I wouldn't let myself fall in love with him, I was just "another girl" for him.. I mustn't let myself get to attached.

.. We've been on and off for a year now, we have went threw hell and back, but yet we're still holding strong, a few break ups in between and other relationships, but we always ran back to eachother. Why? I don't know. All I know is, when I look at this boy, I can do nothing but smile, and I'm so glad I have him in my life, and I'd never want to lose him permanently. He's everything to me. So, I went against what I beleived in, I fell in love, I got attached, and I'd do anything for him, and I'd shred every tear I had for him, if I meant I kept him forever. I'm crazy in love with this boy, it's almost unhealthy. But him sitting across the room smiling at me right now, gives me another reason for why I don't care. I may be young, but you know what? So is he. Young and in love.

Imperfection, is perfection.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everyone notices the strength of muscle, but what about the strength of the heart?

Why is it that everyone compares the strength of muscle, or how strong you can be, or how many pounds you can lift, but nobody ever notices the inner strength of somebody, and how much someone can go threw and still be able to have a smile on their face? I mean there's people out there, that cry themselves to sleep but smile and try to make everybody elses day good even if there's is going absolutely terrible.
Inner strength is absolutely amazing, someone could go through hell and back, and still be able to laugh, have a good time and keep that beautiful smile on their face. The strength of muscle, only lasts if you keep working out on it.. Inner strength is a trait you have that stays with you forever, as long as you don't keep pushing your feelings away. See, there's bad things to it to, you can't hide your feelings, you need to let it out sometimes, you can't bottle them up, it leads to depression.. Inner strength is amazing, but dangerous at the same time. Either way, some people are stronger then they think. 

Imperfection, is perfection

Instead of judging yourself in the mirror, stop those tears and call yourself beautiful.

Sometimes people don't realise what it's like to try and try and try. They say, if you have a problem with how you look, then change it. "The only person who can control how you look is yourself." Although that may be true, but what if it isn't? What if you worked out every day, you ate nothing but healthy food, and you pushed yourself to exhaustion. It's unhealthy, so what now? Only you have control, but nothing changed. It's on to something new now, let's try starvation, don't eat ANYTHING, drink only water so you don't dehydrate. Uhoh, that didn't work either, you ended up in the hospital because you fainted, and now you've been labeled anorexic even thought you still arn't skinny. Since everyone is making sure you're eating now, and not starving yourself again, people keep shoving things down you're throat. Little do they know, that once you're alone it's gonna be all gone, it's onto the next thing, eat but then throw it all up. They find that out now, and now you're on even more of a watch. They don't understand that non of it is easy, it's all difficult, either way your still being judged, hurt, or disapointed. I think the next step, is to just look in the mirror, and remind yourself that your beautiful everyday and that you don't need to change anything as long as your healthy.

Imperfection, is perfection.