Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friends are all you need. - True or False?

I have an issue, that pretty much runs in my family. I hate being alone. I need someone to hug, to kiss, to text to say good night to, someone to say good morning to, someone to tell me I'm beautiful, someone that can show me how much I mean to them. But I keep hearing "Friends are all you need in life" Yeah, that may be true, and yeah my friends are always there for me, no matter what- ups or downs. They may not like certain decisions I make, but they are still there. So at times, I believe that, - Friends ARE all you need, but, for how long? How long until you miss having that ONE person, that everything feels different with? A relationship isn't something you NEED to get threw life, No. Friends are something to you NEED, well is helpful to help you get threw the ups and downs of life. Your relationships may come and go, but your friends will always be there, but those relationships that come and go, give your friends a reason to stay, and gives you guys stuff to talk about. To me, Friends arn't all you need. Their a bonus, and their something you need at ALL times, but their not ALL you need. 

Imperfection, is perfection.

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